The map of Africa as you've never seen it before! Africa is big. With 6% of the earth's surface and 20% of the land surface, the continent has an area of 30,415,873 km2. Put that way, the figure doesn't speak much. Graphic designers have tried to make its surface more meaningful to show its size. The results are impressive. They also give us food for thought about how we perceive maps. _ Africa is the only continent which carries: 80% of the world's strategic raw materials. A little glimpse on Africa _ Africa is the third demographic power in the world, with a billion inhabitants _ Africa is very rich in natural resources>. AREA _ Africa does: _ 10 times India _ 10 times Europe _ 4 times China _ 4 times the United States _ 152 borders separate 53 countries ... Where wealth and poverty mix ... KNOWING AFRICA I will not speak to you about African spirituality, because, it is a secret science that no one can reveal (-) ...
Le RAPEC, est une ONG de développement dont l'approche consiste également à fédérer les forces, énergies et compétences un développement durable en particulier en Afrique. En créant le Pôle Environnement RAPEC, notre ONG a choisi d'accompagner des communautés rurales en Afrique dans leur développement écologique. L’axe de collaboration est de mettre en action un programme autour ...